The part of our personality that we reject or repress. By uncovering the qualities and character of our Shadow, we learn to integrate those dark parts into our personality. This doesn’t mean embracing evil or in any way altering our goodness, but acknowledging our dark parts allows the deepening of wisdom.
Our Shadow also includes the positive parts of ourselves yet undeveloped, unrevealed or little exercised. So the more we encounter those energies–– for instance in journaling or active imagination exercises–– the more whole and stable we become. We all know those who refuse to face their Shadow: people who are perpetually blaming and scapegoating others, when a little humility would make them much easier to be around.
Each of us has a Shadow. It is our task to get to know it throughout our lives, recognize when it gets in the way, and learn to respect the gifts it can offer us.

We have to discover our shadow. Otherwise we are driven into a world war in order to see what beasts we are. Jung; Visions Seminar pg. 235
The Anima and Animus have tremendous influence because we leave the shadow to them. Jung; Dream Analysis, Pg. 53
The shadow can represent the whole of the unconscious – that is both personal and archetypal contents – or just the personal material which was in the background and not recognized, not wanted. -E.A. Bennett letters, V. 1, pg. 233-5